Discovery Track
3rd October 2015, 10am-12pm
National Design Centre Singapore, Auditorium
The Discovery Track is an artist talk and youth dialogue designed for students specialising in art, design, architecture, technology and engineering at secondary and tertiary education level. The programme features three emerging young artists, Weixin Chong, Dhiya Md and Ong Kian Peng who each have different multi-disciplinary practices that intersect between art and innovation. They will each give 15-20 minute presentations on their recent or upcoming work followed by a Q&A moderated by artist/biologist Isabelle Desjeux about the new developments and trends in the young contemporary art and design scene. Please RSVP by following this link
Weixin Chong
Weixin's work is drawn from fascination with digital and organic memory systems, stylisation or natural elements and relationships between surface and perceived superficiality. Through surfaces and objects, she looks at the constant construction of imposed and composed realities and reproductions that replace and represent. Interactions of the digital and the organic, effects and methods of reproducing and manipulating images across materials are core to her practice. A recipient of the National Arts Council Overseas Postgraduate Scholarship, Weixin has shown extensively in venues across Singapore, including Institute of Contemporary Arts Singapore, The Substation and Post Museum. She has also exhibited in Seoul, Istanbul, Vienna and London.
Dhiya Md
Dhiya currently teaches part time at LASALLE College of the Arts under the Faculty of Design. He is also one of the founding partners of SWELL formerly known as SUSEJ, a graphic design studio based in Singapore. Dhiya's interests lies in the intersections of art, design, science and technology. His works explore the areas of the visual language, material study, system implements and is process driven. He frequently works with the Media Lab department at LASALLE, occasionally VJs with audio-reactive visuals built on custom softwares and hardwares. He also designs, conceptualises, builds and hand shapes surfboards under the label T.H.P.G.
Ong Kian Peng
Kian Peng Ong is a Singaporean media artist whose works take on multiple forms, ranging from audiovisual performances to media installations. He is interested in nature, audiovisual and our perceptual apparatus; often resulting in works with a strong computational and DIY electronic presence. His recent exhibitions include: a solo show at Arebyte Gallery London and Sound: Latitude and Longitude at ICA Singapore for Singapore M1 Fringe Festival. He has shown his works at various exhibitions and festivals including the International Computer Music Conference, Siggraph, SOUNDWORKS ICA London, Asian Students and Young Artists Festival and Japan Media Arts. He recently graduated from UCLA with a MFA in Design Media Art and is currently lecturing at Nanyang Polytechnic in the department of Interaction Design.
Isabelle Desjeux
Isabelle Desjeux is an artist based in Singapore. She has a background in molecular biology (PhD, Edinburgh University UK, 1995) and a Masters in Arts (Fine Arts) from LASALLE College of the Arts, Singapore ( Dec.2010). Isabelle's research is based on the “refuse”, the “leftovers”, the “failures” and their function in the process of scientific research, and a strong belief in the power of transformation over creation. Drawing from the similarities of practice of both worlds, Isabelle’s art feels like science. Her art takes the form of videos, installations and lectures using elaborate techniques of ‘Pataphysics.
Development Track
3rd October 2015, 2pm-5pm
National Design Centre Singapore, Auditorium
Development Track is an artist talk and think tank designed for students in higher education, artists and professionals in the field of art, design, architecture, technology and engineering. The programme features speakers Andreas Schlegel (Media Lab), William Hooi (Maker Movement), Tatajana Todorovic (NTU/LASALLE), Kee Wei Hui (TAKE Architects), Tan Szue Hann (Surbana Jurong) and moderated by Cheryl Chung (Ministry of Transport). Each speaker will give a 15-20 minute presentation on the topic: How to engage citizens to be involved in the development of smarter, future cities? followed by a panel discussion with audience Q&A. Please RSVP by following this link
Andreas Schlegel
Andreas Schlegel is interested in creating artifacts, tools and interfaces where technology meets every day life situations in a playful way. His work is concerned with emerging and open source technologies for creating audio, visual or physical output using computational and generative processes. He is currently coordinating the Media Lab at LASALLE College of the Arts in Singapore where he also lectures across disciplines. In 2007 Andreas co-founded the art collective Syntfarm where many of his collaborative projects are based. His works have been shown internationally and he stays active within the international media arts environment and regularly contributes to the open source community With a background in Design and Media Arts, his artistic practice focuses on using new technologies to seek new forms of expression. His current research focus is on distributed systems for real-time control data within an artistic context.
Tatjana Todorovic
Tatjana graduated from University in Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture, with a Masters Degree in Architecture in 2003. She has collaborated on different media art projects, before joining National University of Singapore, Communications and New Media Department in 2008, where she obtained the Doctoral Degree in 2014. More recently Tatjana was involved in several independent film productions, and was a member of the organizing committee for the conference Environmental Visions: Revealing the environment with art, science and technology, at Art, Design and Media School at NTU in January 2014. Currently she teach at LASALLE College of the Arts, and Art, Design and Media School at NTU. Her research interests are critical issues and implications within the urban/technological complex; the role that technological infrastructure has in both shaping of and dealing with urban issues; and the role of new-media art practice as an interesting test-bed for active engagement and participation in governing and creating sustainable cities.
Kee Wei Hui
Kee Wei Hui is Principal and Founder of TAKE Architects. Take Architects is a boutique architecture practice that specialises in creating bespoke architectural spatial solutions. Current projects range from a Good Class Bungalow to a Gallery Shophouse in Singapore, house in Malaysia, to a hutong (courtyard house) show gallery in Beijing. The completed Gallery Shophouse has also been featured in Business Times and was awarded SIA-Rigel Bathroom Awards for the Residential Category in 2014. A registered architect with the Board of Architects (BOA), Singapore, Kee graduated with a Master of Architecture Degree from the National University of Singapore (NUS), and was awarded the BOA Gold Medal and the Singapore Institute (SIA) Golden Medal (MArch) upon graduation. Her Masters Thesis project, "Renewing Kolkata", was nominated for the Royal Institute of British Architects' (RIBA) President's Medal. Kee is also Adjunct Assistant Professor at the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), lecturing at the Architecture and Sustainability (ASD) Pillar.
Tan Szue Hann
Tan Szue Hann is Deputy Head (Sustainable Urban Solutions Studio) and Principal Architect at Surbana Jurong. He is a Registered Architect with the Board of Architects, chairing the Institution Thrust. Szue Hann graduated with a Master of Architecture and a BA Arch (First Class Honours) from NUS, completing his Masters at UCLA. Szue Hann has been involved in several award winning building projects, also been an invited reviewer at the key architectural institutions in Singapore, and a speaker at various conferences, including the BCD International Green Building Conference 2013 and 2015, World Architecture Festival 2014 and the Commonwealth Association of Planners Conference 2014. His current work is in sustainable and smart urban environments in Singapore and the region, including BCA SkyLab, a test bed for future smart and sustainable building technologies. In September 2015, Szue Hann was award Singapore's Young Green Architect of the Year Award by BCA and SGBC.
William Hooi
William Hooi is the Executive Director of SG Makers Association Ltd and a director of the OneMaker Group Pte Ltd. Having served in the Singapore public school system in various capacities for the past 15 years, he has since left the civil service to devote his time and energy to creating platforms for citizen innovation through the Maker Movement. He graduated from the Nanyang Technological University with Bachelor of Applied Science (Materials Engineering) and Master of Education (Curriculum & Teaching) degrees on a Ministry of Education post-graduate scholarship. Currently, he is a doctoral candidate at the UWA Graduate School of Education, researching on the learning practice of Makers in Singapore.
Cheryl Chung
Cheryl believes that everyone is responsible for making the world a better place and it is this belief that has led her to make a career in strategy and futures. For the last 8 years, Cheryl has led futures projects across several ministry portfolios in the Singapore Government. Her work focusses on futures research in the intersection of technology, economic and regulatory policy as well as capability development in futures thinking for policy makers. She stumbled into futures work in 2007 when the Ministry of Trade and Industry was looking for staff to form the pioneer team for their new Futures Group and her first major project was on the future of big data. After MTI, she moved to the Strategic Policy Office, under the Prime Minister’s Office, and then to the Ministry of Transport where she helped to start the Ministry’s futures work and led the development of their policy framework for Autonomous Vehicles. Cheryl recently transitioned to the education sector where she heads the strategic planning department at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy. Outside her day job, Cheryl consults for the social sector as a Project Director at Conjunct Consulting. She is also one of the co-founders of Quad Research, a non-partisan collective that believes in expanding the space for data-driven discourse and assisting in better collective decisions for Singapore’s future.
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